Palm Sunday Call to Worship

Here’s a responsive call to worship litany from Pastor Shannon Keeney at First United Methodist Church in Littleton, NH.

Congregational Call to Worship
for Palm Sunday

Pastor:  Who comes this way?
People: I wonder who is he?
Lay Leader: They say he is the Christ.
Pastor: That means Messiah,
People: That means the Anointed One, the Savior, the…
All: King
Lay Leader: Who comes this way?
People: Is it really him?
              I want him to beat the Romans
              and save us from poverty and hunger.
Pastor:  Is he victorious? Is he powerful? Is he scary?
Lay Leader: Where is he from Greece? Rome? Jerusalem? Littleton?
People: They say he comes from Bethlehem
             and grew up in Nazareth and Galilee.
Pastor:  “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?”
People: Who comes this way?
Lay Leader: Who is he? Why are we cheering him on?
            Is he good or bad? He must be rich to get such praise.
Pastor: Stop waving that branch in my face!
            Move away! Let me see around this parade.
            Put me on your shoulders.
            I need a higher glimpse of him.
            I just want to see his face
            and then I will know who he is, let me see…
People: Wait!
Lay Leader: Wait!
People: It is only a man.
Lay Leader: And he is just on a donkey, no conquering steed.
Pastor: It is only a man, what is so great about him?
People: Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest!
Lay Leader: Hosanna means “save us” and “we pray”
Pastor: But who is this man that will save us?
All:  Who comes this way?

~ written by Pastor Shannon Keeney at First United Methodist Church in Littleton, NH.