Easter Prayer of Intercession

Here is a prayer of intercession for Easter Sunday.  It was written by Ann Siddall and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website.

Prayer for Others on Easter Morning

O God, with faces touched by the light of a new day,
and hearts warmed by our prayers and praises,
we come before you to pray
for the needs of our world.

Into the light of Easter morning
we raise those who are struggling with illness,
with despair over their lives, or with
the breakdown of relationships.
May the light of Christ shine upon them.
May the light of Christ shine upon them.

Into the light of Easter morning,
we bring those places in our world
where war, violence, poverty and need
are the experiences of everyday life.
(These places may be named)
May the light of Christ shine upon them.
May the light of Christ shine upon them.

Into the light of Easter morning,
we bring the headline news of this weekend
(this may be named):
we hold in our hearts the pain
of those suffering violence, bereavement or conflict.
May the light of Christ shine upon them.
May the light of Christ shine upon them.

And into the light of Easter morning
we bring ourselves, the private struggles,
the heart’s yearnings, the hidden dreams,
the unfulfilled potential.
May the light of Christ shine upon us.
May the light of Christ shine upon us. AMEN.

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the website of the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre.  http://www.stillpointsa.org.au/