Lord's Prayer Paraphrase

Here is a paraphrased version of the Lord’s Prayer from the Easy English Bible.

Lord’s Prayer Paraphrased
(inspired by Matthew 6: 9-13, Luke 11: 2-4)

Our Father in heaven
you are a holy God.
Show us who you are.
Make the world a good place.
Do what is best here on earth.
Make it like heaven.
Give us everything we need.
Give it to us every day.
Forgive all the bad things we do.
Help us not to want to do bad things.
Help us to forgive people
who do bad things to us.
Keep us safe.
You are king.
You can do everything.
You are a great God.
Yes you are.

~ Copyright © 1997-2003, Wycliffe Associates (UK)  Posted on the Easy English Bible website. http://www.easyenglish.info/