Call to Worship, Prayer: Pentecost

Here’s a responsive call to worship and opening prayer for Pentecost.  It comes from the RevGalBlogPals website.

Call to Worship

The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when the flames of faith dance in our hearts.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when our babbling speech becomes the Good News for the world.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when compassion is seared into our souls.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
let the people of God rejoice. Alleluia!

Prayer of the Day

Spirit of the Living God, dance with us on this day.
Come, Whirlwind of Wonder!
Sing to the groaning of creation.
Come, still small voice of Hope!
Enflame us with your passion for justice.
Come, Liberator of the Least!
Purify us of our grasping greediness.
Come, Advocate of selfless living!
Silence our gossiping tongues.
Come, Harmony of God's Heart!
Wind of God, blow through us;
Fire of God, burn within us;
Tongue of God, speak to us on this day of renewal and birth,
even as we pray as Jesus teaches us,
Our Father . . .

~ posted on the RevGalBlogPals website.