Confession: Proper 21 B

Here’s a thoughtful act of confession written by Thom Shuman.

Call to Reconciliation

We've tried to stop, haven't we? All the foolishness which causes us to stumble, all the mistakes which hurt others, all the words of peace we might speak, but don't. Let us join our voices as we open our souls to that tender Heart who longs to forgive us, praying,

Unison Prayer of Confession

When sin and death
hover around us,
like famished vultures,
you fill us with new strength
so they cannot feed on us;
when our bitterness
clamps tight around our hearts
with its steel-like teeth,
you pry us loose
with your scarred hands
so we might walk in faith with you;
when we stack our hurts
one on top of the another,
like kindling wood,
ready to set the match
of our anger to the pile,
you pour your spirit
of forgiveness upon them,
until they are soaked so thoroughly,
nothing can ignite them.

Our help, our hope, our life, our peace
are truly found in the name
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon

The good news is this:
God loves the world so much as to make it a fit place to live;
God loves us so much as to reshape us into people of faith.
Like a cup of cold water,
forgiveness revives us, restores us, gives us new life.
Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.

~ written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.  Visit that site for many other excellent worship resources.