Prayers of the People: Be With Us

Here’s a wonderful prayer of intercession from Bruce Prewer.

Be With Us: A Litany

You, wonderful God, whose glory the heavens declare
and whose handiwork the whole earth sees;
     be with astronomers and astronauts
     artists, photographers and bush walkers.
You, whose Spirit brooded over the face of the earth
and brought breath to all that lives and grows;
     be with health workers who control viruses and bacteria,
     or engineer genes and chromosomes.
You, for whom truth is not mere facts and figures
but relationship and the gift of eternal love;
     be with those whose science has left them empty
     or whose technology has become a slavery.
You, who give us faith that leads to many doubts
and deep doubts that lead to a larger faith;
     be with all agnostics and those who despair,
     and all the pure of heart who hunger for you.
You, who have created us for fulfilment and joy,
and do not rest while one lost person is in misery;
     be with those who are lost in amusement arcades
     or imprisoned by poker machines and casinos.
You, who should mother and father forsake us,
cherish us as your very own family;
     be with abused children and street kids,
     social workers, magistrates and foster parents.
You, who when thick darkness covered humanity,
leapt into the night bringing light and joy;
     be with night-shift workers and police,
     evangelists, counsellors and pastors.
You, whose first-born, perfect Child
covered our sins and bore our griefs;
     be with mothers and midwives,
     the falsely accused and sorely abused.
You, who banish fears and bring a new dawn,
who swallow up death in victory;
     be with those who risk their lives for others
     and all who today face death alone.
You, who know our needs before we utter them
and do far more than we can ask or imagine;
     be with us as we offer these prayers
     and with all who have forgotten how to pray.
Through Jesus Christ our Brother and Saviour.
     Amen and Amen!

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.