Prayer of the Day: Proper 6 B

Here’s a prayer based on the suggested scripture readings for the second Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 5 B).  It was written by Thom Shuman.

Prayer of the Day
(inspired by 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Mark 4:26-34)

Holy One:
you anoint us with living water,
so we may go to serve the world
in these troubled days.
You open our eyes
so we will see everyone
as our sisters and brothers.

Seed Planter:
you place faith
deep within us,
so we can bear witness
to your just and loving kingdom.
Your love regulates our hearts,
so we can welcome all
in your name.

Gentle Spirit:
when we cannot see the way,
you take us by the hand
so we can step forward,
in faith,
into the kingdom.
You fill us with hope,
so we can sing God's joy
all of our days.

God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as Jesus has taught us,
Our Father…

— written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.