Readers' Theatre: Matthew 14:22-33

Here is a readers’ theater setting of Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus walking on the water), one of the suggested scripture texts for August 7, 2011 (Proper 14A).

Jesus Walks on Water
(Matthew 14:22-33)

Narr:     Immediately after the miraculous feeding of the five thousand,
            Jesus asked the disciples get into the boat
            and cross over to the other side of the lake.
            He stayed behind to dismiss the crowd.
            After they were gone,
            he went up the mountaintop alone
            as he had hoped to do earlier.
            When evening came, he was still on the mountain, praying.

            Meanwhile, the disciples in the boat found themselves far from land,
            fighting a strong headwind, and battered by the waves.

            When the sun was just coming up,
            Jesus finished his prayers
            and came out to meet his disciples—walking on the water!

            The disciples caught sight of a figure
            moving towards them on the water,
            and they were terrified.
            They cried out:

Peter:   It’s a ghost!

Narr:     But Jesus spoke to them:

Jesus:   Be still.  It’s me.  You have nothing to fear.

Narr:     Peter replied:

Peter:   Lord, if it is really You,
            then command me to come and meet you on the water.

Jesus:   Indeed, Peter – come.

Narr:     So Peter stepped out of the boat,
            on to the water,
            and began walking toward Jesus.
            But when he felt the strong wind,
            his courage failed,
            and he began to sink.

Peter:   Lord, save me!

Narr:     And immediately, Jesus reached out for Peter,
            and caught him.

Jesus:   O you of little faith!
            Why did you begin to have doubts?

Narr:     Then together they climbed into the boat
            and the winds died down.
            The disciples in the boat worshipped Jesus, saying:

Peter:   Truly, You are the Son of God.

For more worship resources related to Matthew 14:22-33, or any other suggested text for August 7, 2011 (the eighth Sunday after Pentecost), click on Proper 14A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For other readers’ theatre settings of scripture, click on Readers’ theatre in the list of “Labels” at the right.