Lent Reflection: Mark 1:9-15

Jennie Gordon has written this evocative poem, inspired by the events of Mark 1:9-15 (the baptism and temptations of Jesus).

Poetic Reflection:
The Baptism and Temptations of Christ
(inspired by Mark 1:9-15)

across the universe
through one immutable rend
in heaven’s curtained sphere
she descends upon you here
as rising you collide
in Jordan’s waters deep and wide
a voice speaks, pouring through the gash
of these ripped worlds
and blessing claims, names and re-frames
then she that bears you, births you
into enforced wilderness
and it becomes your task, your test,
you taste the tempter’s first but not his last caress
while angels wait
and forty days play long
and then, and only then,
the time is right for gospel song. 

~ copyright © Jennie Gordon 2008. Posted on http://pilgrimwr.unitingchurch.org.au/