Prayer Litany: A River of Justice

Here’s a responsive prayer litany inspired by Psalm 72:1-10 and Amos 5:24. It was posted on Christine Sine’s Godspace website.

Prayer Litany
(Adapted from Psalm 72:1-10, & Amos 5:24)

God let your justice and fairness
flow like a river that never runs dry
Please help those of us who are rich
to be honest and fair just like you, our God.
May we who have such abundance
be honest and fair with all your people,
especially the poor.
Let peace and justice rule every mountain
and fairness flow as a river that never runs dry.
God let your justice and fairness
flow like a river that never runs dry
May we your people defend the poor,
rescue the homeless,
and crush everyone who hurts them.
May we be as helpful as rain that refreshes the ground,
to those who are treated unjustly.
Let the wholeness and fairness of your kingdom
live forever like the sun and the moon.
God let your justice and fairness
flow like a river that never runs dry
Because you our God,
rescue the homeless and have pity on those who hurt
May we who are rich stand up for the poor
and let peace abound until the moon fades to nothing.
Let God’s kingdom of justice and fairness
reach from sea to sea, across all the earth.
God let your justice and fairness
flow like a river that never runs dry