Call to Worship & Prayer: Christmas

Here’s a responsive call to worship and a prayer of commitment inspired by Isaiah 63:7-9 and Luke 2:8-20. They were written by Joanna Harader and posted on Spacious Faith.

Call to Worship

Glory to God in the highest!
And hope to every discouraged heart.
Glory to God in the highest!
And peace to every conflicted soul.
Glory to God in the highest!
And joy to every downcast spirit.
Glory to God in the highest!
And love to everyone.
Let us sing praises to our God.
Let us offer this light against the darkness.


Holy God of Love,
There is light in our lives
because of the abundance of your steadfast love.
A love so vast, so deep, so real,
that you became one of us.
May we live within the power of this love.
And may we share its light with a world
where too many dwell in darkness. Amen.

~ written by Joanna Harader, and posted on Spacious Faith.