Prayers of the People: Lent 1

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the first Sunday of Lent.  It comes from Richard Fairchild’s Kir-shalom website.

Prayers of the People
for the First Sunday of Lent
(inspired by Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13)

Let us pray:
Lord, listen to our prayers for ourselves at this time.
Bring to our minds the places we have compromised the truth
for that which is convenient to us;
the times we have shut our eyes and ears and hearts to the needs of others;
the times we have indulged ourselves to our own detriment.
Help us, dear God, to know that you forgive these things,
and give us strength to resist them in the future.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, listen to our prayers for others at this time:
for those who hunger for bread but only find stones;
for those who seek justice but can find no advocate who will help them;
for those who are in danger and have no one watching over them.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, speak to us in the silence of our hearts.
Show us the way to go…

We pray to you in the name of Jesus,
who taught us to come to you saying,
Our Father….

~ from Richard J. Fairchild’s Kir-shalom website.