Meditation on the Cross

Here’s a thoughtful litany for use on Good Friday.  It was written by Bosco Peters, and posted on his Liturgy website.  This litany is part of a larger set of resources for Good Friday worship. To see them all, click here.  

The Meditation on the Cross of Jesus

If desired, a wooden cross may now be brought into the church and placed in the sight of the people. The following may be sung or said (three times if desired):

Behold the cross,
on which hung the Saviour of the world.
Come let us worship.

Appropriate devotions may follow, which may include suitable hymns, anthems, and the following:

My people, what wrong have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me!
Through baptism, I led you from slavery to freedom,
but you lead your Saviour to the cross.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

I led you through the wilderness.
I fed you with the bread of life,
the manna from heaven,
but you lead your Saviour to the cross.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

I planted you as my fairest vineyard,
I grafted you into the one true vine,
I gave you the water of salvation,
but you give me gall and vinegar to drink,
and leave me thirsting upon a cross.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

I gave you a royal scepter,
but you give me a crown of thorns.
I raised you up to newness of life,
but you raise me high upon a cross.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

What more could I have done for you?
I gave you my peace and my truth,
but you fight in my name,
and divide my Church.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

I come in your brother and sister,
hungry, yet you give me no food,
thirsty, yet you give me no drink,
a stranger, and you do not welcome me,
naked, and you do not clothe me,
sick and in prison, and you do not visit me.

Holy God, holy and merciful,
holy and just, have mercy upon us.

A hymn extolling the cross is sung.

— written by Bosco Peters, on his website Liturgy.  Visit that site for other helpful worship resources. 

For more worship resources for Good Friday, click on Good Friday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.