Pastoral Prayer: Reign of Christ

Here’s a prayer of petition for the last Sunday before Advent, known as the “Reign of Christ” or “Christ the King” Sunday.  It was written by Roddy Hamilton.

Prayer for Proper 29

Create a throne room for yourself here, O Christ,
but let it be the empty seat beside the anxious
the lonely chair next to the confused
the vacant pew next to the hungry
and reign, O Jesus,
as sovereign over the forgotten

May your reign be a mockery to the world
but good news to those who seek out truth
and may we join them in the search
finding you walking the streets
or breaking bread
or sitting by bedsides

May we find you in border areas
on the edge of things
crossing over with the foreigner

May we find you among children
learning to finger paint
as teachers to those who long to enjoy life again

May we find you with the worried
silenced with nothing to say
and space enough to keep it

May we find you on the wrong side of the tracks
going where you should not
and finding a place to lay your head among the lost

May we find you singing our songs
of justice and peace
and removing your crown to do so

May we find you with a word that lives
in the hopes of the afraid
and a comforting peace for those who are broken

May we find you laughing at the powerful
unnerving what folk think so secure
while welcoming those who have nothing into your throne room

O Jesus, reigning in the world
with your upside down kingdom
may we find the faith to stand with you
sovereign of life
and servant of all

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Mucky Paws.