Prayer of Confession: Isaiah 65: 17-25

Here’s a responsive prayer of confession inspired by Isaiah 65: 17-25.  It was written by Marcia Plumb, and posted on the Community of Christ website.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Isaiah 65: 17-25)

We confess to each other and to You, our Creator,
that we fall short of being what we have been created to be,
what we have committed ourselves to be,
disciples of the kingdom.
Hear us, forgive us,
renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace.
We often seek out the easiest paths;
paths of least involvement in places where we might be uncomfortable,
or paths of self-centeredness.
Hear us, forgive us,
renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace.
Forgive us for getting so caught up in the world’s trappings
and its false messages of hope
that we lose sight of the hope of the kingdom,
which brings healing and peace to a world in turmoil.
Hear us, forgive us,
renew our resolve to build the kingdom of peace. 
In this time of worship may we resolve to become more kingdom-minded
to be your peacemakers here and now.

~ written by Marcia Plumb, and posted on the Community of Christ website.