Prayer for Others: Your Blessing, Please

Here’s a prayer of intercession from Bruce Prewer. It was posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page.

Prayer of Intercession

A poet once wrote: “No man is an island.”
Our lives intersect with a host of others.
Lovingly, let us now pray for them.

We pray, loving God,
for the blessing of your Spirit
on all kinds of people with their widely diverse needs.

Your blessing, please,
on the sick and those who nurse them,
on workers and those who employ them,
on the unemployed and those who stand by them.

Your blessing, please,
on the hungry and those who feed them,
on refugees and those who welcome them,
on drug addicts and those who treat them,
and the sorrowing and those who comfort them.

Your blessing, please.
Pour your Holy Spirit on these folk for whom we have prayed,
and also on the many who never catch our eye
or make it into our prayers.
Through Christ Jesus, our Divine Brother.


~ Copyright © B.D.Prewer  2010.  Posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page.