Psalm Paraphrase: Psalm 50: 1-8

Here’s a paraphrase of Psalm 50: 1-8, written by Bruce Prewer.

Psalm Paraphrase
(Psalm 50: 1-8)

The Voice which speaks and confronts the whole world
is that of the Holy One, the God of gods.
From the time the sun rises until after it sets,
the dazzling beauty of God shines out.

When God comes, it is not always in silence;
it may be like a consuming fire or fierce storm.
God’s call is heard among the distant stars,
and on earth we are summoned to give account.

God gathers together the true believers,
those who keep faith at much cost.
The whole universe shall announce justice,
for God who has the final word says:

“I will speak against you, my people.
I your God will be a prosecution witness.

It is not what you do at church that’s wrong,
your worship is a good attempt.

It is what you do outside that upsets me,
how you exploit the land and its creatures.

For every animal in the bush is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.

I know every bird in the mountains
and everything that moves on the plains.

Get this, you who would limit me to pious thoughts:
I could put you through the shredder!

Let all you do each day be a thanksgiving;
get things right and you will see my salvation!”

~ Copyright ©  B.D. Prewer 2000 & 2012. Posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page.