Confession: Epiphany 3 C

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Year C.  It comes from the United Church’s Worship Ways Archive.


Prayer of Confession

(inspired by Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10)


We confess to you, Gracious God,

that too often we look on your law as a burden, not a gift;

an inconvenience, not a blessing. 

Rather than seeing your love revealed,

we feel our own guilt magnified. 

Instead of rejoicing in your good news,

we focus on our own shortcomings. 

Turn us around, Redeemer,

and do not let our fears have dominion over us. 

Enlighten us, so that our words and deeds may be acceptable to you. 



Assurance of God’s Love

(inspired by 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a)


In spite of our individual inadequacies,

God has called us together to be Christ’s Body,

and each one of us is indispensable. 

God re-members us, giving each of us distinct gifts,

equipping each of us to provide guidance and accountability for one another,

that we all may become more faithful followers of Christ. 

We are all greater as one Body than any single member

of us could be on our own. 


~ posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways Archive.