Litany: We Thank You!

Here’s a thanksgiving litany from the Third Space blog.

Thanksgiving Litany

For summer’s passing and harvest home—
we thank you!
For autumn’s splendor and winter’s chill— 
we thank you!
For seed that has fallen, the promise of spring—
we thank you!

As a part of nature’s wondrous cycle
of new birth, growth, fruitfulness and death
we rejoice in the creation of new life.

For parenthood, the passing on of knowledge,
for understanding and the wisdom of years.
We are grateful for those who have gone before
passing on to us our spiritual heritage.

May our lives blossom as the apple tree in spring.
May we become fruitful in thought and deed.
And may the seed of love that falls to the ground
linger beyond our time on this earth.

For fruitfulness—
we thank you!
For a generous spirit—
we thank you!
For wisdom and faith—
we thank you!
For old age and new birth—  
we thank you!

For those who have gone before us,
seeds planted in your rich pasture
with the hope of life eternal:
may their enduring spirit live on
enriching and empowering our lives,
their love linger,
their presence be near
until we meet once more.

For your embracing love—
a Father’s love, a Mother’s love—
the love that sees our failings
and forgives us;
the love that sees our joys
and embraces us;
the love that knows no end or beginning,
a love that could die for us,
we bless you.
We bless you.

~ posted on Third Space blog.