Confession: Mark 10

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Jesus’ conversation with the rich man in Mark 10:17-31.  It was written by Rev. Quentin Chin.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Mark 10:17-31)

Almighty and Holy One,
we cannot begin to count all our possessions. 
We have things in our closets, our attics, and our basements. 
We have things tucked away in boxes we haven’t opened in years,
and still we acquire more. 
We have so much stuff and yet, there are those in our communities
who can fit all their worldly possessions in a shopping cart. 
We know that you, O God, will defend the poor and come to them in their need. 
But we, O God, need your forgiveness
for we are more attached to our things than we willingly acknowledge.  
Help us confront our attachment to possessions and things more honestly
so we can share our own abundance more equitably.  Amen.

Words of Assurance
We draw false and fleeting comfort from our material things. 
True comfort comes from God’s love for us
and by responding with that same love to family, friend, neighbor, and stranger.  
By God’s love we are forgiven.  Let us do likewise.  Amen.

~ written by the Rev. Quentin Chin, and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.