Act of Confession: Proper 7 B

Here’s a thoughtful act of confession for Proper 7 B (Ordinary 12 B).  It was written by Thom Shuman.

Call to Reconciliation
We let fears control us, we let doubt become the way of life for us. If we but look, we will see our lives, and our world, cradled in God's loving hands. Let us confess our lack of faith, even as we trust the One who has promised to listen to our words, as well as our hearts. Join me as we confess together, saying,

Unison Prayer of Confession
They can be such giants in our lives, God of Grace. Each day, our fears, our doubts, our worries wash over us, until we come to believe that you do not care for us. There seems to be so much wrong in the world, we are convinced that there is nothing good we can do. The storms of sin and temptation batter at us, and we cower, unable to find the faith to withstand them.

Forgive us, God of Hope. Remind us that if we but open our hearts, you will heal us. If we but listen to your words, we will hear peace and joy. If we but open our lives to you, we can go forth to serve our sisters and brothers, even as we have been served by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
With calming words,
with a peaceful Spirit,
with overflowing love and hope,
our God forgives us and fills us with faith.
Our God affirms us for who we are—
those whose brokenness is made whole,
whose sin is forgiven,
whose lives overflow with faith.
Thanks be to God!  Amen.

— written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.