A Litany of Sorrow for Earth Day

Here’s a litany of confession for Earth Day (April 22, 2012).  It comes from the North American Conference on Religion and Ecology (Earth Day, 1990).

A Litany of Sorrow

We have forgotten who we are
We have alienated ourselves from the unfolding of the cosmos
We have become estranged from the movements of the earth
We have turned our backs on the cycles of life.
We have forgotten who we are.

We have sought only our own security
We have exploited simply for our own ends
We have distorted our knowledge
We have abused our power.
We have forgotten who we are.

Now the land is barren
And the waters are poisoned
And the air is polluted.
We have forgotten who we are.

Now the forests are dying
And the creatures are disappearing
And humans are despairing.
We have forgotten who we are.

We ask forgiveness
We ask for the gift of remembering
We ask for the strength to change.
We have forgotten who we are.

(Allow for a period of silence)

— from Interfaith Declarations and Worship Observance Resources; The North American Conference on Religion and Ecology, 5 Thomas Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20005.  Posted on the Web of Creation website. 

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