Prayers of the People: Good Friday

Here’s a prayer of intercession for Good Friday Worship.  It comes from the Church of Ausralia’s Starters for Sunday website.

Good Friday Intercessions

Jesus willingly submitted to suffer in our place. Let us pray to God our Father, and place in his hands the suffering of the world. Let us say: 'Have mercy on your people, Lord' after each petition.

We pray for the church, that we may bear our cross and follow Jesus.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for those who have sinned, like Peter.
Teach us to be sorry for our sins, and forgive us for Jesus' sake.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for prisoners and criminals like Barrabas.
May they find true freedom by changing the way they live.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for people in government, like Pilate.
May they be responsible and serve truth and justice.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for those who are dying,
like the thieves who died with Jesus.
May they die with Jesus by their side,
and be received into your kingdom.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for parents like Mary who have lost a child.
May they bear their suffering and know the comfort of your love.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

We pray for the whole human race,
that we may all come to know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
This is our prayer:
have mercy on your people, Lord.

Father, may the suffering and death of Jesus lighten the burdens of all those who suffer. Lead us in the way of the cross, so that, as we suffer with Jesus, we may rise to life in his glory, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

— posted on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website.

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