Intergenerational Call to Worship: Palm Sunday

Here’s a dramatic call to worship for Palm Sunday.  It was written by Fred Unruh.

All-Age Call to Worship for Palm Sunday

One:    (shouting) Mom! Dad! Everyone! Come with us!
All       Come see what’s happening!
Two:    People are cheering, and waving palm branches,
           and running all over the place.
Three:  The kids are shouting and laughing and having fun!
All       Come see what’s happening!
Four:    What is happening?
All       Jesus is coming!
Five:     He is getting a hero’s welcome,
            and everybody is out to greet him.
Six:      Hurry! Hurry! Let’s go greet Jesus.
Seven:  I’m coming! Let me grab my cap.
All       Jesus is coming!

— written by Fred Unruh, as part of a larger Palm Sunday Choral Reading.  (Click here to read the entire thing.)  Posted on the Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre website. Visit there for many other excellent worship resources from an Anabaptist perspective.

For more worship resources for Palm/Passion Sunday, click on Palm Sunday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.