Opening Prayer for Palm Sunday

Here’s an opening and a prayer for the start of worship on Palm/Passion Sunday.  It comes from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website.

Opening for Palm Sunday

Friends in Christ:
For the five weeks of Lent
we have been preparing
for the celebration of our Lord's suffering and death.

Today, together with the whole church,
we begin this holy week by welcoming our Messiah.
So, like the people of long ago,
let us welcome Jesus
and follow him to the cross.

The minister says this prayer.
Let us pray.
Lord, as we remember how Christ the King
entered Jerusalem to the sound of joyful shouts,
increase our faith
and listen to our prayers,
so that we may praise you every day,
by living always in him.
For he lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.

— posted on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website. 

For more worship resources for Palm/Passion Sunday, click on Palm Sunday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.