Affirmation of Faith: Lent

Here’s an affirmation of faith written by Lisa Frenz for a Lenten liturgy.  


I believe in God the Creator,
who made me and all things,
who set me on my path in this world.

I believe in God the Savior,
who is one with the Creator,
who rescued me and all creation
from the depredations of our violations
against God and creation.
This man, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ,
walked a path through this world,
taking on human form having been born of a woman
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
He lived and worked in this world among people just like me.
He walked God’s path to death on a cross,
and rose from the dead to open our pathway to eternal life.

I believe in God the Holy Spirit, my counselor and guide,
who is one with the Creator and the Christ,
who through the body and blood of Jesus
brings me into communion with all people, past, present and future;
who calls me to walk a sacred way of life through this world,
caring for creation and the people I meet on the way,
loving them, helping them, welcoming them without prejudice,
being God’s hands and feet in the world.

— written by Lisa Frenz, and posted on Lisa’s Liturgies.  If used in worship, please include the following acknowledgement:  “Copyright Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."

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