Prayer of Confession: Transfiguration

Here’s a confession litany for Transfiguration Sunday (February 19, 2012).  It was written in 2000 by Katherine Hawker, for the Evangelical United Church of Christ.

Confession Litany
(Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-9, Luke 9:28-36)

He came bathed in light, dazzling, radiant…
Forgive us, God,
for accepting mediocrity in your name
and calling it good enough.
He came appearing with Elijah and Moses…
Forgive us, God,
for demanding exclusive expressions of faith
even in the face of your expansive vision.
He came while a voice was shouting, "this is my Beloved; listen!"
Forgive us, God,
for silencing the voice of the other
struggling to praise your name.

~ Copyright © 2000 Katherine Hawker.  Posted on her Liturgy Outside website.