Transfiguration: Pastoral Prayer

Here’s a thoughtful pastoral prayer for Transfiguration Sunday (February 19, 2012). 

Pastoral Prayer for
Transfiguration Sunday
(Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-9, Luke 9:28-36)

Gracious God, God of the covenant, the cloud of your splendor and the fire of your love revealed your Son on the mountain heights.  As your Son drew apart to be in prayer with you, we offer our prayers for the transformation of the world and the church.  We pray that as we gather around the table we may be transformed by the grace of Christ.  We pray that the food we bring will be used to show the love that you have for us and all creation.  We pray that today we may be a living sacrifice for those who need to know the truth of your life-giving Gospel.   

Holy Father, mighty and immortal, you are beyond our knowing, yet we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ, whose compassion illumines the world.  Transform us into the likeness of the love of Christ, who renewed our humanity so that we may share in his divinity.  Help us to share the risk and challenge of living our faith.  By your Spirit, turn our fear to courage and our confusion to confidence Sovereign Lord, Father of all in the power of the Holy Spirit, grant to us the strength to turn our face toward Jerusalem to bear our cross, so that your glory and love and mercy may be revealed.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

— posted on I’m Just Saying by mrawle2000, a United Methodist Elder in the Louisiana Conference.