Reformation Sunday Litany

Here’s a litany for unity and reconciliation suitable for use on Reformation Sunday (October 30, 2011).  It comes from the United Church of Christ.

Litany for Unity and Reconciliation

As we celebrate the Reformation, let us also pray for reconciliation within the body of Christ.

For the church that in every age has taught the faith to children, shared the sacraments, and fed the poor,

O God, we give you thanks.

For the times when the church has let the human urge for power and selfpreservation prevail over the will of God,

O God, we ask forgiveness.

For those who work to create unity among all the churches and seek to find ways to walk together,

O God, we give you thanks.

For us, when we promote sectarianism above our One:ness as children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ,

O God, we ask forgiveness.

For those in every age who bring reformation and renewal to the church when it has become complacent,

O God, we give you thanks.

For those instances when we have driven out sisters and brothers who had a different vision of God’s will for us,

O God, we ask forgiveness.

For the diversity of expression in our many churches and denominations and for the spirit of liberation that allows the church to continually renew itself,

O God, we give you thanks.

For the church, that we may be worthy and willing to work at healing divisions among all worshiping communities throughout the whole world, we pray in the name of the God who is Creator of all.


— from A Church Not Divided by Walls: a Litany for Unity and Reconciliation.  Copyright 2003 Covenantal Relations Ministry, Office of General Ministries, United Church of Christ, Cleveland. Permission is granted to reproduce or adapt for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved. 

For more resources for Reformation Sunday (October 30, 2011) , click on Reformation Day in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.