Call to Worship Litany: Proper 27A

Here’s a call to worship for November 6, 2011 (Proper 27A).  It was written by Rev. Richard J. Fairchild and posted on his Kir-shalom website.

Call to Worship
(Joshua 24, Psalm 78: 1-7)

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Blessed be the nation whose God is the Lord.
Happy are the people who serve the God of Jacob.
The Lord God has promised to be with and watch over all
those who trust in and obey him.
The Mighty One of Israel is our God. 
We worship and obey him. 
We remember his law.
We gather to thank him for all his mercies,
to remember those who have given themselves
for the sake of justice and truth,
and to pray for his blessings to be upon us
and those who rule over us.
We praise and we thank the Lord our Maker. 
We call upon his name and ask for his peace.

— copyright © Rev. Richard J. Fairchild, and posted on his Kir-Shalom website. Visit his site for other lectionary-based worship resources and sermons.