Intergenerational Worship on Pentecost

One:     As we go now to our daily living,
            may the Spirit come to us in new and exciting ways:
All:       as a gentle whisper, in dreams, in silence, in prayer;
One:     as a strong wind, in lives filled with love and compassion;
All:       as a mighty storm, in exuberant hearts of joy.
One:     So let us go now,
            filled with the Spirit all our days!
All:       Amen!

— © Wood Lake Publishing, June 12, 2011

This Commissioning and Benediction for Pentecost is part of a larger worship order: Pentecost Intergenerational Worship Outline, from The Best of the Whole People of God Online  It contains many wonderful resources and suggestions for an intergenerational celebration of Pentecost, including a Call to Worship and a dramatic re-telling of the story of Pentecost (Acts 2). Be sure to check it out.

Also check out this previous set of Pentecost resources from The Whole People of God.  It also includes many excellent intergenerational readings and resources for Pentecost celebrations.

Looking for other resources for intergenerational worship on Pentecost?  Try one of the following:

Pentecost Intergenerational Worship Service, by Richard Bott and Shannon Tennant.

No Longer Behind Locked Doors! An outline for an intergenerational Pentecost service by David Dent, posted on The Billabong website. 

A Family Service of Celebration for Pentecost, also posted on The Billabong.

Pentecosta drama for children which recreates the Pentecost event.

You can also find lots of other ideas for Pentecost—monologues, prayers, calls to worship, benedictions, litanies, videos, dramas, etc.—by clicking on Pentecost in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.